Maps detail the 5-mile route. The turnoff to complete 3 miles will be explained Saturday morning prior to stepping off from Schiller Park.

Starts at Schiller Park, heads through Scioto Audubon Park, north along Scioto Trail to North Bank Park, back around to Broad Street, up to Statehouse, south through Columbus Commons and back to Schiller. (Click the route title for a link to a map.)

Starts at Schiller Park, heads north through Columbus Commons and Statehouse, east on Gay St. to Art Museum, south through Topiary Park to Grant St. south to Beck St., west through Frank Fetch Park and back to Schiller.
(Click the route title for a link to a map.)

Starts at Schiller Park, heads through Scioto Audubon Park, north on Scioto Trail, up and west across Broad St. Bridge, south past COSI to Main St. Bridge, and back through Scioto Audubon Park to Schiller Park. (Click the route title for a link to a map.)

Starts at Schiller Park, to High St., south to Greenlawn. West on Greenlawn across Scioto River, follow trail signs to the right and around to trail. Head to end of trail, tturn aaround, and follow same route back. Add a loop around Schiller Park to get 5 miles. 3-Milers turn around n Trail just past last ball fields, where trees end on the right side. (Click the route title for a link to a map.)

Starts at Schiller Park, through Scioto Audubon to Main St. bridge to head west across bridge, bearing left on Rich Street into Franklinton, passing new apartments. Make a right on McDowell St. past a couple breweries all the way to Gravity. Head east on Broad St. to Veterans Museum to run the spiral steps. Cross Broad St. bridge up to High St., then through the Statehouse grounds and Columbus Commons. At Rich St, head east to Third St., heading south back to Winans. (Click the route title for a link to a map.)
Leaving Schiller Park, head west to High Street, then south to Greenlawn Avenue. Cross the bridge and take the trail under to bridge then double-back across the bridge to High. Take Thurman Avenue east to Parsons Avenue. North on Parsons to Livingston Avenue to Third Street south back to the Park. (Click the route title for a link to a map.)

